Frictionwalls is the international branch of Tjelmeland Friksjon, a small company of Norwegian climbers building walls and developing products for the climbing industry.

A little bit of history

Tjelmeland Friksjon AS was started in 1997 by Magne Tjelmeland and his brother Tore Tjelmeland, both climbers from Bergen, Norway. Back in those early days, the largest climbing facilities were built with complex shapes that resembled rock formations. However, these walls had limitations as it was not possible to use large climbing holds, and it was difficult for routesetters to create varied routes. With this in mind, we developed our own classic system that can create equally complex three-dimensional shapes as the old plastic walls, but based on flat surfaces. This system is still the cornerstone of our climbing walls and gives them their distinctive look. Since then, we have developed many new elements and finetuned our systems. Today we have almost no limitations to what our climbing walls can look like. We are proud to have built most of the major climbing facilities in Norway and to have assembled a team of the worlds best climbing walls designers, builders and routesetters.

The future

We have our own drawing program that generates calculations, construction drawings, and order lists. Along with an efficient framework, this allows us to offer competitive prices, despite tough competition in the industry. There is no reason why our walls should only be build in Norway, so we are ready to send our products out into the rest of the world.


We offer DIY packages with all the building materials (wood panels and steel parts), instruction drawings and manuals. These can be assembled by local construction workers anywhere in the world, without any specific prior knowledge regarding climbing walls. These packages can contain all from a small training wall with electrical angle adjustment, to entire lead climbing walls.